Before you begin your wealth building journey, it's extremely important to take note and understand your current financial situation; if you don't know where you are, you wont know where you're going.


Once you have identified what level you are currently at, you can then decide where you want to be next.  For most people, they are currently at the level of Financial Insecurity, and the next level they want to get to is Financial Security.  


FINANCIAL INSECURITY: where most of the population remain for their entire life. Never more than a few months away from complete financial disaster. Often your only source of income is from a job[s]. A very risky place to be.



FINANCIAL SECURITY:  you have assets that generate consistent recurring income each month to cover your basic living needs. If you lost your job, it would not be a disaster. This should be your first goal if currently at Insecurity level.



FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE:  the ideal level to be aiming for. You're able to live a life without compromise. Whatever the life is that you want, then the money is flowing in from multiple assets to make that a reality. You are in full control.



FINANCIAL ABUNDANCE:  you have more money flowing into your life than you could possibly spend. Instead of turning your attention to yourself and your family, you can begin to contribute to other meaningful causes in your life.



FINANCIAL LEGACY:  you begin to think about your next generation and the generation after that. You pass your legacy on together with the principles and the wisdom with which you've accumulated it. The flow does not stop.

WealthTalk Podcast

The weekly WealthTalk Podcast with Kevin Whelan and Christian Rodwell covers everything you need to know about building wealth.  Each week a new topic is discussed that directly relates to the content members are currently working on.


Episode 003 is an important episode for our members because it starts with some of the foundational concepts you must undertake BEFORE you set off on your WealthBuilding journey.  Knowing your reason why is important as it identifies at what current financial level you at, while motivating you to reach the next levels.